We are almost to the finish line! I can feel the excitement in my school and I really feel in the holiday spirit now! There is so much going on at my school from twelve days of Christmas to end of semester testing! I have been using any ready to go activities as possible!
For a holiday treat I wanted to give you my Christmas Color By Code Activity for FREE! Just grab the download below. This is the perfect resource to keep your students busy while practicing letter identification or sight words! Students color each section based on the letters or sight words, once they are finished they reveal a Christmas Image! This resource can be used during these final days before the holiday break!

There are twelve color by code pages in this resource, six are color by letter and six are color by sight word! This is perfect for any kindergarten or first grade classroom!

Once that final bell rings, my holidays begin! I will be spending the holidays with my family and truly logging off! I can't wait to celebrate, rest, and enjoy this season! Happy Teaching and Happy Holidays!!