I love teaching silent E, or sneaky E, because students start demonstrating true mastery of decoding skills. When I first teach Silent E, typically my students have never practiced different vowel sounds. With Silent E we finally get a chance to use the long vowel sounds.
I find that the silent E pattern needs a lot of practice. Students need to learn how to approach a word with a silent E. It can be sneaky....hence the sneaky E name! It takes a lot of consistency. I created these amazing worksheets and activities that help students master silent E words.
Do you want a FREE set of Silent E Worksheets and Activities! You can find it below!
Tap It Out
The hardest thing about silent E words is that students can not read the word with one to one letter correspondence anymore. The E and the end of the word is silent. It also changes the vowel sound, so students need to be aware of that BEFORE they begin decoding.
I like to practice tapping out, or decoding, silent E words with my students. This first resource is a great way for students to visualize the sounds within the word. It is also hands on! Students can see that the letter E is silent, and it also allows them to prepare for that long vowel sound.
These fun Tap it Out Worksheets are great because students practice reading and writing silent E words. It is also a great place to start because the picture is a great support for students. There are 15 different pages of this in my silent E worksheets and activities resource.
You can find all 15 of these pages here. They are included in the my Silent E Worksheets and Activities Resource. You can also grab a FREEBIE below!

Complete the Word
Students continue to practice this new spelling pattern with a Complete the Word Worksheet. Students can visualize the relationship between the vowel and the silent E. This allows students to create a deeper understanding of the silent E pattern.
There are 15 pages of these worksheets as well. It is a great center or homework resource for your students. It also allows you as the teacher to assess who understands the vowel relationship. I really enjoy this resource because it has so many uses.

Sneaky E Match
I love these activities for my centers. They are SO easy! Just print and you are ready to go. Students cut out the letter tiles at the bottom of the page, then glue them to the end of each word. Finally students read the new word with the silent E pattern and color in the picture that matches.
This is a hands on activity that is simple and ready to go. It is great for centers because you can print a set of 5-10 pages for the students and they can work on it all week!

More Silent E Practice
I have a variety of other silent E resources in my Silent E Worksheets and Activities resource. A simple spelling practice sheet, long vs. short vowel practice, and more! This resource is one of my favorites because it is FILLED with activities that are ready to go.
These resources can be used in so many ways too! Centers, homework, assessment and more! Do you want ALL 70 Pages of these amazing resources? Just check it out at my TPT store here. You can also try it out for free, just click below!
Wanna try these activities for FREE?! Check it out here! Just download the worksheets sample below.